Byron Acohido

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Byron Acohido is a Pulitzer-winning journalist and one of the nation’s most respected cybersecurity and privacy experts. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Acohido is a native of the 50th state of Hawaii. He graduated from Damien Memorial High School in Honolulu and the University of Oregon School of Journalism, and also practiced journalism at The Herald, of Everett, WA, and the Dallas Times Herald. He also taught college courses at the University of Alaska Anchorage as the Atwood Chair of Journalism. He is highly-regarded in tech, journalism, government and academia as an author, analyst, instructor and public speaker dedicated to fostering fresh thinking and fruitful discussions about cybersecurity and privacy.

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data breach
Will States Lead the Way on Data Breach Requirements?
California enacted the first data loss disclosure law in 2003, re... read more

October 6, 2014

Identity Theft and Scams

JPMorgan Breach
The JPMorgan Breach Is One Part of a Larger Crisis
JPMorgan’s disclosure that hackers compromised the data of more... read more

October 3, 2014


security flaw
The Next Massive Security Flaw You Should Worry About: Bash
Yes, you should be very concerned about Shellshock, the latest so... read more

September 30, 2014


south park malware
Is This Malware ‘South Park’-Inspired?
Malicious advertising, or malvertising, continues to pose a profo... read more

September 25, 2014

Identity Theft and Scams

home depot customers
What’s Next for Home Depot Customers
If you’re one of the millions of folks who used a payment card ... read more

September 16, 2014

Identity Theft and Scams

ApplePay: The Security Pros & Cons
ApplePay, the new mobile payments service introduced by Apple thi... read more

September 12, 2014

Personal Loans